The Single Universal LNC (Low Noise Converter) will be launched from November as the LNC AUN 15 S.
As with all Grundig converters, both low and high bands can be received, which means that the appliance has a frequency range of 10.70 to 12.75 GHz.
The LNC UNI T2 is the twin version with two outputs. Here, two Set Top boxes or two receivers can be attached for analog and digital reception. Among other things, the LNC stands out for its particularly low noise level of only 0.7 dB and an amplification of approximately 55 dB.
The Quattro-LNC Grundig LNC UNI Q2 is ideal for multi-switch units and editing systems. It needs a power supply of 200 mA; the operating voltage can range from 11.5 to 19 volts. Along with low noise levels, the Grundig LNCs offer above all high frequency and temperature stability and a total amplification of well over 50 dB.